Think your computer is the only thing that can hacked? "How about your car?

Another hacker strikes again! If it was just a computer or system, it would probably not be such big news. But this story is about cars, lots of cars. A disgruntled laid off worker from a car dealership in Texas decided he would get some revenge.
He hacked into a system that is put in cars in case they are reposessed. It can disable a car by turning off the ignition or honking the horn to alert the person to pay up.
This clown had access to a list of over 1,000 people's cars and he started the disable system and cars would not start and horns were honking. The dealer started getting hundreds of calls per day.
It just goes to show you, computers are everywhere, and everywhere there is a computer, there is a hacker lurking!
Here is a link to an article with more details

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