F1 Key Virus Windows XP & 2000 will Load Malware with Internet Explorer

There is a new virus running around, and when you are using Internet Explorer, a window can pop up telling the user to press F1 to view a file. Once you press F1, it will load the virus.
This virus will affect Windows 2000 and XP, it is not supposed to affect Vista, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008.
The good thing is that F1 is mainly used for help, and not many programs use that any longer. This happens specifically when on a website with Internet Explorer.
DO NOT PRESS F1 if prompted, while using Internet Explorer in Windows XP or Windows 2000.
Close your browser if you get a message like this. If it will not close and the "press F1 Window" still shows up, you can try the following:
Hit Control + Alt + Del, and bring up the task manager. Highlight the Internet Explorer program that is running, and click the END TASK button. This will force the window to be closed.
For more technical details,
(Thanks to my deputy Geek Harry, for bringing this to my attention!)

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