Windows 7 - Much better than expected, and I like it, alot!

I have been using Windows 7 for about 4 days now, and I can honestly say, this upgrade from Vista was awesome. The install went easy, all my devices installed easily, and everything set up easy. Note the common denominator - EASY.

I have been working with computers for years and nothing has ever been easy. I worked with Tech support in the 90's when "Plug and Play" was invented, and was immediately dubbed "Plug and Pray!"

Plug and play always has had issues, and that has been helped a lot by USB, and development of newer technologies. Finally Version 7 of Microsoft Windows has really helped things along (the same people who have been partially at fault for not helping in this area...)

I have been installing Windows 7 in all the new computers in the past few months, and I am not getting any complaints, other than the usual, "It is different" and "It is hard to get used to." When you use XP and jump to Windows 7, it is quite a bit different on the interface, but so was it when we went from DOS to Windows 3.1, that was like changing someones pillow or favorite chair.

There are a lot of cool new features in Windows 7, and so many, it is hard to know them all. I am going to highlight helpful and cool tips and tricks in the next couple of weeks that Windows 7 has. If you have 7 it will help you out, and if you are thinking about upgrading to 7, you might peek in to see some of the nice features.

First of all, if you are interested in upgrading to Windows 7, If you have XP, your machine (if it is more than a few years old) is probably not powerful enough and may need some upgrades or it may just not be powerful enough. If you have Vista, it might be worth the upgrade.

If you want to check to see if you can upgrade to Windows 7, here is a cool program that will evaluate your system and see if your system has the horsepower to run Windows 7, and it provides a good report for you.

Just download the program and run it, and see if you can run Windows 7.

Next time, I will start with some really great Tips and Tricks in Windows 7

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